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Streaming Media West 2013: Producer Live Sessions

Katarina Alaupovic

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Streaming Media West 2013 is coming to Huntington Beach, CA Nov. 19-20! New this year is Streaming Media Producer LIVE, a show for independent producers, videographers and marketing teams that showcases the best ways to create, use and monetize online video. We’re excited to be running two sessions. Here are the full details:

  • How to Light, Frame & Shoot Video for the Web (Nov. 19, 9-10 a.m.): While some of the time-tested principles of traditional video production still apply, online video is really a world of its own, and it’s best to begin with basics. This session walks you through key elements of online video production that distinguish it from producing for other media, including composition, lighting, and more. This session provides expert tips on how to shoot HD video that’s effective for the web.

  • How to Brand Your Online Productions (Nov. 20, 3:15-4:15 p.m.): Online video is a powerful marketing tool, and effective and consistent marketing demands effective branding that’s consistently and strategically applied. And, of course, there’s much more to branding than slapping on a logo “bug”; it means focusing on key elements of a company’s identity and producing work that reflects it accurately and promotes it effectively, whether subtly or overtly. Attendees leave this session knowing how to incorporate their company’s or their client’s brand identity into every step of the production process, and every aspect of their production style.

Follow Clear Online Video on Twitter for more online video tips and news.

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