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Online Video Marketing 101

Katarina Alaupovic

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At Clear Online Video, we’re excited about our leap into the world of online video marketing. Well, it’s more of a calculated step than a leap, really. Our new venture has been a long time coming – fueled by our background in video production and the rise in online video’s importance to the overall content marketing plan.

We’ve been tracking the online video world for some time now and noticed there was a huge missing piece: a video agency that could combine quality video production and storytelling with the online video marketing skills required to reach your audience. And that’s where we come in!

Most of our clients know all about the benefits of branded digital video and many of them understand the power of online video marketing. They know that YouTube is the second largest search engine in the world. They’ve read the stats about the billions of people who spend hours watching videos online.

And they know that a strong online video marketing strategy is essential to their bottom line.

And while they understand and appreciate the big picture, what some marketers struggle with is deciphering the online video jargon. So we've put together a quick online video marketing guide.

Here are the terms to know:

  • Online Video Marketing: Best to start with the basics, right? Online video marketing is the promotional use of branded digital video on a company’s website and other distribution channels.

  • Online Video Distribution: This is the actual act of disseminating your online video. Posting to your website is a start but there are many other channels to consider, like YouTube, Facebook, and even tablets, smartphones and gaming consoles!

  • Online Video Platform: In short, an online video platform (OVP) is a program or software that makes it easy to publish your online video to the web. They can be free solutions, like YouTube, or paid ones such as Ooyala and Brightcove. Some OVP’s even offer brand customizable players, easy social sharing, simple video management, and more streamlined online video distribution options.

  • Video SEO: The same concepts behind optimizing your website for search engines. Video SEO is an untapped marketing tool that makes your video available to a vast audience. Posting it online is just the start.

  • Online Video Analytics: As with other online marketing efforts, tracking online video analytics such as click-throughs, engagement rate and plays is important to maintaining a successful online video marketing strategy.

Still have questions about online video marketing? Contact us or leave them in the comments section below and we'll get back to you.

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